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AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | August 2023

AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | August 2023

Introducing AppMaster's August updates! This month, we are thrilled to unveil new features and enhanced processes for our users - developers, app enthusiasts, and business owners alike.

Let's delve into the details and see what exciting advancements the no-code platform AppMaster has in store!

New UI Component

We are excited to introduce a fantastic addition to the AppMaster platform: the Image Carousel UI component. This dynamic slider brings fresh visual appeal and engagement to your app's design. It's a versatile tool that works with product cards or alongside descriptive blocks, enhancing the user experience.

One of the highlights of the Image Carousel UI component is its extensive range of customization settings. You have complete control over the appearance and behavior of the slider, allowing you to tailor it to perfectly suit your app's unique requirements. 

Here are some of the available settings:

  • Slide transition direction: You can choose the direction in which the slides transition. This allows you to create visually stunning effects that complement your app's design.
  • Transition appearance: With various transition effects available, you can bring your images to life with smooth fades, slides, or other eye-catching animations. This adds an extra layer of dynamism to your app's visuals.
  • Autoplay functionality: The Image Carousel UI component offers autoplay functionality, allowing the slides to transition automatically without any user interaction. You can adjust the autoplay speed to suit your preference.
  • Looping option for continuous display: Ensure a seamless and continuous display of your images by enabling the looping option. This allows the carousel to cycle through the slides endlessly, creating a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience for your users.
  • Multiple control methods: The Image Carousel UI component supports various control methods. Users can navigate through the slides using the mouse, keyboard, or even touch gestures on touch-enabled devices. This versatility ensures a user-friendly experience across different platforms.
  • Slider pagination customization: Personalize the look of the slider pagination to match your app's branding and design. Choose from different styles, colors, and sizes to make it seamlessly blend with your app interface.

With these customizable settings, you can create an Image Carousel UI component that perfectly aligns with your app's unique style and requirements. Whether you want to showcase your products, portfolios, or any other images, this feature allows you to engage and impress your users effectively.

Our top priority is ensuring developers of all skill levels can easily incorporate this dynamic element into their apps. With our user-friendly design, you can effortlessly add a polished and professional touch to your app.

Enhanced Architecture

We are also thrilled to announce the completion of our new architecture of BP blocks, system models, enums, and triggers. These updates are designed to empower our development teams and ensure rapid and efficient creation of new features, without the need for backend team intervention.

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One of the key highlights of our August updates is the revamped architecture for BP blocks. This improvement enables our teams to create new BP blocks, streamlining the development process quickly. By reducing the dependence on backend teams, this enhancement significantly improves the efficiency of our development workflow.

In addition to the BP block architecture, our updates also focus on empowering developers to create triggers and modules effortlessly. With the new architecture, our teams can rapidly develop and deploy triggers and modules, minimizing the need for extensive backend involvement. As a result, the time required for adding new entities has been reduced by at least 10 times, representing a significant improvement in efficiency.

New Search Mechanism

One of AppMaster's standout improvements is the revamp of its search capabilities. Traditionally, the 'SearchExact' field was responsible for specifying precise search queries. However, AppMaster has replaced this feature with 'ILIKE' leveraging Postgres pattern search with an inverted search logic. This change allows users to perform pattern-based searches, resulting in more accurate and comprehensive search results.

AppMaster's August updates also introduce an exciting feature called 'SelectFields.' This enhancement is specifically designed to enhance retrieval capabilities within the model blocks. Users can now retrieve specific model fields using the 'SelectFields' field, as specified in this parameter. This smart feature saves valuable time and streamlines data retrieval operations.

General Updates

Interacting with modules

We’ve added functionality for interacting with modules, which users have eagerly awaited. With this latest feature, developers can easily add, edit, and delete modules using the entity editor. 

This enhanced functionality simplifies the process of managing modules and provides higher flexibility and control over the modules within the platform. Users can now seamlessly customize and fine-tune their modules according to their needs and requirements, effectively empowering them to create highly tailored and targeted applications.

Improvements and changes in JSON blocks

Other significant updates are the improvements and changes in JSON blocks. AppMaster has added two new blocks - JSON Object to KV Array and Get JSON Children Types. These blocks allow users to work with JSON data more effectively.

Moreover, the update includes improvements in working with paths in other JSON blocks. This enhancement simplifies navigating through complex JSON structures and accessing specific data elements. Users can now retrieve array elements from the end using negative indices and multiple elements using index enumeration [0,1,2].

These updates showcase our commitment to continuously improving our platform based on user feedback and industry standards. The added functionality gives users more powerful tools for developing and managing their applications.

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