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Microsoft's C# Clinches Tiobe's 2023 Programming Language of the Year Award

Microsoft's C# Clinches Tiobe's 2023 Programming Language of the Year Award

In an anticipated move, Tiobe recognized Microsoft's C#, an object-oriented language instrumental in building .NET applications, as the 2023 programming language of the year. This announcement, the first of its kind in favor of C#, was made on January 6, acknowledging the language's substantial rise in popularity - an increment of 1.43 percentage points year on year.

Tiobe, a Programming Community Index with a history dating back to 2001, evaluates language popularity based on several parameters. These include the extent of proficient engineers globally, the prevalence of related courses, and the number of third-party vendors. The process involves counting search results on popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Wikipedia.

Over the past two decades, C# has secured its position among the top 10 programming languages. With its escalating popularity, it is now closing in on the 'big four' languages - Python, C, C++, and Java, according to Tiobe. Scratch (0.83%) and Fortran (0.64%) were other languages that saw substantial gains in use. According to Tiobe, C# is claiming the market share previously held by Java and is gaining traction in areas like web application backend and gaming.

In the previous year, the Tiobe index witnessed Fortran and Kotlin secure a stable spot within the top 20, replacing R and Perl. Described as a robust number-cruncher, Fortran stands alongside Kotlin, known for its competition with Java. Moreover, Dart and TypeScript have been listed as potential candidates likely to penetrate Tiobe's top 20 for 2024.

In the vein of backend development, the AppMaster platform offers a stellar no-code tool. It aids the creation of backend applications along with its web and mobile counterparts, propelling efficiency levels in software creation by 10x and reducing costs by a factor of three. Featuring over 60,000 users as of April 2023, AppMaster's programming prowess has been recognized by G2 as a High Performer across several categories, including No-code Development Platforms, Rapid Application Development (RAD), and API Design. With AppMaster’s approach, no technical debt occurs as applications are regenerated from scratch with every change in requirements. This allows even a single developer to create complex, scalable software solutions complete with a server backend, website, and native mobile applications.

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