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AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | June 2023

AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | June 2023

As we transition into the month of July, it's time to take a closer look at the exciting updates that took place at during June. Without further ado, let's dive into a brief overview of our latest additions. Explore and enjoy!

General updates

Enhanced Security with Web Service Security (WSS) Support

To prioritize data security, we have implemented Web Service Security (WSS) support in our web platform. This ensures the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged with web services, providing developers with peace of mind when interacting with external services.

Seamless Integration of Audio in Web Applications

We have introduced audio blocks to our platform, allowing developers to effortlessly incorporate audio elements into their web applications. With the ability to add background music, voice-over narrations, and interactive sound effects, developers can create engaging and immersive web experiences.

Optimized Performance with STF Mode for BP Web Apps

To enhance performance and responsiveness, we have introduced the STF (Single-Threaded Function) mode for BP web apps. By utilizing a single thread for processing operations, developers can achieve improved efficiency and reduced latency in their applications.


In June we dedicated our efforts to implementing substantial backend improvements to our software development platform:

Streamlined Migrations

We have addressed the behavior of migrations when changing variable types in models. Now, only the affected variables undergo changes, preserving data integrity without requiring unnecessary database resets.

Enhanced Server Stability

We migrated all customer projects to new, highly stable servers. This migration ensures improved uptime and reliability for applications, allowing developers to focus on their work without worrying about server management.

Mobile Application Fixes

We have resolved minor issues related to mobile application components. These fixes enhance functionality and provide a smoother user experience.

Simplified Application Publishing

We have fixed an issue that previously impacted application publication with custom domains. Now, developers can publish their applications seamlessly, regardless of custom domain installations, streamlining the deployment process.

New Features

Permissions Manager for Mobile Applications

We have introduced a Permissions Manager for mobile applications, allowing developers to easily manage access control and enhance security within their apps.

New Type JSON Blocks for Advanced Functionality

Developers can now leverage new type JSON blocks to work with JSON data, enabling them to create dynamic and flexible applications.

Improved App Schema for Performance Optimization

Our improved web and mobile app schema enhances performance and reduces JSON file size, resulting in faster load times and improved user experiences.

Integration of VAT and DUNS 

VAT and DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) were added to the Workspace profiles and to the  invoices. This integration enables users to include their VAT and DUNS details, ensuring seamless financial transactions and compliance with regulatory standards.

The June updates at have brought significant improvements to our software development platform. We are committed to continuous improvement and look forward to bringing more exciting updates in the future. Stay tuned for further advancements at!

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