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AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | September 2023

AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | September 2023

This month, we're excited to introduce some great new features and improvements for AppMaster users. Get ready to discover how these September updates make app development easier and more powerful. 

Let's dive in and explore the future of app creation with AppMaster!

Mobile Widgets

We are excited to introduce a set of new parameters into our mobile slider widgets, designed to provide users with enhanced control over the aesthetics and functionality of these integral app components. The parameters, namely "active_track_color," "inactive_track_color," and "thumb_color," have been strategically incorporated to facilitate a comprehensive and nuanced approach to widget customization.

The "active_track_color" parameter empowers developers to define the color of the slider track when it's in an active state, enabling the creation of dynamic and visually engaging user interfaces that intuitively respond to user interactions. Conversely, the "inactive_track_color" parameter allows for specifying the track's color when the slider is inactive, ensuring consistency and visual harmony within the application's design.

The "thumb_color" parameter allows users to fine-tune the color of the slider thumb or handle, adding a layer of personalization and refinement to the widget's appearance. This level of granularity in design control ensures that your mobile applications function flawlessly and exude a polished and professional visual identity.

These new parameters exemplify our enduring dedication to providing developers and businesses with the essential tools and flexibility for creating exceptional applications. Embrace these additions and unlock creative widget design and functionality possibilities, elevating your app's user experience to new heights.

STF Operations for BP

We're also thrilled to announce the implementation of Scheduled Task Force (STF) operations for Business Processes (BP) on our backend. This strategic addition enhances our platform's operational efficiency by allowing predefined schedules for BP executions, streamlining workflows, and boosting productivity.

This update highlights our commitment to staying at the forefront of technology trends and providing cutting-edge solutions to meet evolving business demands. Embrace this capability to automate and optimize your business processes effectively.

iOS New Features

Latest AppMaster updates also present a series of new features in the iOS development toolkit. These enhancements empower developers to create more feature-rich applications for the iOS platform.

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Support: Introducing BLE capabilities for seamless integration of IoT devices and enhanced interactivity in iOS apps.
  • Improved JSON Handling: Streamlined JSON data exchange and manipulation, simplifying application data operations.
  • Refactored Input Mechanisms: Enhanced user-friendly input mechanisms, improving usability across iOS apps.
  • Business Process (BP) Blocks for Screens: Users can streamline workflows and automate processes with BP Blocks, boosting productivity and efficiency.
  • Charts Integration: Simplifies the integration of charts for data visualization, enriching user engagement within iOS applications.
  • Signature Pad with BP Blocks: Empowers users with signature capabilities, further expanding interaction options in iOS apps.

These updates equip iOS developers with a powerful toolkit for creating exceptional applications, ensuring they stay at the forefront of mobile app development.

General Updates

  • WSS in Web Apps: We've significantly improved Web Socket Security (WSS) in our web applications, enhancing data encryption and authentication. These updates underscore our commitment to data security and protection, ensuring a safer user experience.
  • Docker Containers: We've upgraded our app development process by moving everything to Docker containers. This boosts both build speed and fault tolerance. Now, AppMaster’s users can enjoy quicker development and enhanced reliability.
  • Changes in Enums: The identifier for enums has now shifted to a string format. This update enhances code clarity and readability, allowing developers to create more intuitive and expressive code.
  • Endpoints: We have updated our endpoints for consistency. Now, our server will respond consistently, whether there's a trailing slash at the end of the URL or not. This change simplifies API interactions, ensuring a smoother and more predictable user experience.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to enhance the capabilities of our platform to meet the evolving demands of modern app development.

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