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AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | July 2023

AppMaster No-Code Platform Latest Updates | July 2023's July updates are here! Explore the enhancements and new features that make our platform even more powerful and be sure to try them out.

V3 Protocol for Android 

We are excited to present the new v3 protocol tailored for Android web and mobile apps. With its implementation, users can expect an immediate surge in app speed, delivering an unparalleled experience right from the moment of launch.

With the transition to v3, the configuration file's size significantly decreased by 12 times, all attributed to server pre-optimization. As a result, business processes now exhibit a notable improvement, running at least 2 times faster than before.

Moreover, the first screens are now preloaded in the initial configuration file, resulting in faster rendering. This optimization enhances the overall user experience by reducing loading times and ensuring swift access to essential content upon app launch. With this enhancement, Android applications demonstrate improved responsiveness and efficiency, catering to the demands of modern mobile users.

These upgrades reaffirm AppMaster's commitment to staying at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, empowering developers and end-users alike to unlock the true potential of their Android applications.

New Sections

Our latest updates also introduce two significant additions: the Task Tracker section and the System Jobs section. 

Task Tracker

It’s a revolutionary addition to our platform that promises to redefine the way you manage your tasks. With its seamless integration and user-friendly interface, this cutting-edge feature empowers you to effortlessly organize, track, and prioritize your tasks.

Central to the Task Tracker's prowess is its intelligent data synchronization mechanism, which ensures that all your tasks are securely stored and readily accessible across multiple devices. Leveraging advanced cloud-based storage and real-time updates, you can seamlessly transition between your desktop, mobile, and tablet devices, never missing a beat in your task management journey.

System Jobs 

This section is an invaluable addition that showcases a comprehensive history of past publications. This powerful feature keeps track of all publication-related activities, such as content uploads, edits, and approvals. Users can now effortlessly access a chronological list of past publications, enabling them to monitor progress, review historical data, and ensure seamless publication workflows.

With the unveiling of the Task Tracker and System Jobs section, we offer a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline task management and publication workflows. Our user-centric design approach makes onboarding seamless, ensuring that even new users can swiftly navigate and make the most of these sophisticated features. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls, the Task Tracker and System Jobs section provide an effortless and rewarding experience for all users.


We are excited to introduce a significant enhancement to our generated backend applications, now featuring the automatic addition of indexes to foreign keys by default. This latest improvement represents a transformative stride in database management, promising to enhance overall DBMS query performance.

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With this update, our backend applications will automatically identify and index foreign keys, optimizing the retrieval and manipulation of related data. By efficiently linking tables through indexed foreign keys, the query execution process becomes substantially more efficient, reducing the need for full-table scans and minimizing query processing time.

The benefits of this innovative approach to indexing are multifold:

  • It dramatically reduces the overhead associated with joining related tables, as the indexed foreign keys expedite data lookups and streamline data retrieval. 
  • The indexing mechanism significantly improves query execution plans, allowing the database management system to access data with greater precision and speed.

The impact of this automatic indexing is tangible across a spectrum of queries. Ranging from simple lookups to complex analytical queries, the enhanced backend applications demonstrate a remarkable 10-50% increase in DBMS query performance, depending on the specific query's complexity and data volume. This boost in performance empowers businesses to extract insights and make data-driven decisions with unmatched agility and responsiveness.

General Updates

In our latest general updates, we're thrilled to unveil transformative features that revolutionize platform’s security and user experience. 

JWT Tokens

We have now implemented blocks and models to work with JWT tokens on our platform. Additionally, we support both asynchronous and synchronous key hashing algorithms for token signing, giving you more flexibility and enhanced security. With this enhanced functionality, users can leverage the most suitable cryptographic methods to optimize the token signing process and ensure secure data transmission. 


Developers now can use non-standard URLs when publishing mobile apps to the store. With this powerful addition, users have the freedom to customize and personalize the app's URL to align with their brand identity or specific marketing strategies.

Autodesk Module

We have implemented blocks designed specifically for working with key endpoints, including GetMyPrice, PlaceOrder, GetOrderStatus, and GetOrderDetails. This update is a major milestone, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of the Autodesk module, equipping developers with powerful tools to seamlessly interact with these critical endpoints.


We have updated our authorization module to make user login even more flexible. The main point of this update is that the login variable has changed from Email to String type. This enhancement allows developers to log in using the method that suits them best, making the authentication process more user-friendly and inclusive. 

If-else Block

Notable changes have been implemented in the logic of the if-else block. Specifically, when a null value is introduced into a bool variable, the block's behavior now aligns with the logic of false. This modification ensures more predictable and consistent outcomes in the app's workflows, enabling developers to handle null values more effectively within the context of conditional statements. has undergone substantial improvements with its latest July updates, enhancing its software development platform significantly. With a commitment to innovation and user experience, we empower developers to create remarkable applications and embrace a future of limitless possibilities through no-code development.

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